Pinnaiyur is a village in Thanjavur district and Orathanadu Taluk in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. In terms of agriculture, Pinnaiyur (EAST&WEST) is having nearly 2500 hectares of raw fertile land which is the main source of income for the people. Since pinnaiyur is having large geographical area, for administrative purpose it has been divided into Pinnaiyur west and Pinnaiyur East. People who belong to this village predominantly doing agriculture as their major occupation and this village is having good number of well educated graduates and they are working in different sectors ,
Pinnaiyur is one of the historical place and it was the capital of ancient king Karavellalar. He was defeated by Kandars who are the origin of Kandaraditan, uncle of Raja Raja Chola I (or Rajaraja Chola I) and kalanthagakandar, who ruled the north Tamil Nadu. Pinnaiyur is having a largest area of fertile land in the Thanjavur district. The ancient poet Kavichakkaravarthi Kambar has praised Pinnaiyur in his poems, Pinnaiyur is popularly called as "Pinnaimanagar", which was capital of South India during Karavellalar time